Virtual Assistant Networking Forum celebrates 2000+ members with contests and daily giveaways throughout May
Released on = May 1, 2006, 2:22 pm
Press Release Author = Virtual Business Solutions
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Virtual Assistant Networking Forum celebrates 2000+ members with contests and daily giveaways throughout May.
Press Release Body = (Vancouver, BC) April 30, 2006: - the website devoted to promoting Virtual Assistants and their businesses - is proud to announce registration of its 2000th member. In celebration of this event a special contest is under way with prizes given away each day in May and special guest speakers and chats throughout the month.
Since June of 2005, membership in the VA Networking Forum has more than doubled from 970 members to its present 2000 total. For all you Virtual Assistants - highly skilled professionals who provide administrative support and other specialized services to businesses, entrepreneurs and executives - here\'s your opportunity to join this VA family for advice, mentoring, and to share in the camaraderie. As the Virtual Assistant Networking (VAN) forum theme goes, "Hey, Hey, The VA Gang\'s All Here," and they are, supporting one another and striving to promote the Virtual Assistant Industry.
As a member you\'ll enjoy the following benefits: access to over 38,000 posts full of information, correspondence with experts on work-related topics, weekly VA chats online, monthly contests, a subscription to the VAN Newsletter, discounts on business critical products and services, and a listing in the VA Search Engine - a directory of over 750 VAs from 14 countries including the U.S. and Canada. This is not to mention the opportunity to shop at the Virtual Assistant Shopping Network plus much more. And it\'s all for free.
Current members and new members can enter into the VAN daily contests everyday during the month of May with prizes totaling over $3500.00, consisting of everything a VA needs including: � Internet marketing consultation with the founder of the VAN Forum, Tawnya Sutherland, a Certified Internet Marketing Specialist (valued at $350.00) � VAN personalized mousepads (valued at $15.95 each) � VAdala earrings, bracelet and necklace (the official symbol of VAs) (valued at $27.95) � VAS-CD Rom Template (valued at $295.00) � The popular book, Virtual Assistant - the Series: Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA by Diana Ennen and Kelly Poelker (valued at $29.95). � Grand Prize - A copy of Tawnya Sutherland\'s Virtual Assistant Start-up System (valued at $495.00).
Diana Ennen of Virtual Word Publishing, who has been a member of VANetworking since it started in August 2003, says, "Being a member of VAN allows me to network with other virtual assistants who are out there walking the walk and talking the talk. I get detailed information on how to run my business better and face the daily challenges of being a VA. This has all greatly inspired my business."
So join the fun and stop by the VAN Forum today at You\'ll see just how much better your business can become and also have a great time doing it. And for those looking for a VA, you won\'t be able to beat the professionals you\'ll find here.
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Contact Details = Tawnya Sutherland||Suite 253, 34A-2755 Lougheed Hwy||Port Coquitlam , V3B 5Y9||$$country||||604-809-7972||||
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